It's been four years since I hit the publish button on a new blog post. Four years since I had Klein take my photos for me out of our little college apartment. Four years since I would get free clothes in the mail on a weekly basis, and get paid to post on Instagram. Wow, those were the days.
Here we are four long years later, and I can say with certainty that I miss having that creative outlet to post and let my brain spill onto my computer keyboard. A lot has changed in those four years, while all I used to focus my blog on was fashion and what I was wearing to next Saturdays Alabama football game (boy I would do anything for that to be my only worry in the world now), I feel like I have evolved and have so much more to share in my semi-adult life. My boyfriend and I picked up and moved three states away, I just did a complete 180 degree change in my career, so much has happened and so much is different. I'm a North Carolina real estate agent and proud member of The Costin Group and Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage, I'm still a proud dog mommy to Champ and Odie and that might be the only thing that isn't different.
I still have a passion and love for all things clothes, fashion, style, and current trends and I have recently picked up an awesome fitness routine in hopes to get back into college shape! Every day in the life of a realtor is different then the last, and I have been dying to get back on the inter-web and share it all with you.
Regardless of all of the life changes that Klein and I have made since college, I am happy and excited to be back on my blogging game. I have continued to follow all of my favorite bloggers since 2014 and it's wild to see how much the blogging community has changed. I know I will never be to that point in my life again, since adulting requires much more time and effort, but I am thrilled to be able to try.
I plan to share some fashion finds, some recipes, workouts, life updates, real estate stuff, and anything else that you guys want to see. You can keep up with my day to day stuff on Instagram and I will announce there when I make a new post! And if you're wondering what we look like 4 years later, let me blow your mind (delicious NC seafood and alcohol has definitely caught up to us, but we don't mind)